
The Base or Root Chakra; Verb "I have"

The colour of the Base Chakra is RED. It is situated at the groin area. The element associated to it is Earth. "Sense is smell".
It is "programmed" between the ages of 5 and 7 (aproximately).
The animal connected to it is a Bull. Symbol is a square.
It is our grounding and general "survival" Chakra and how secure we feel and how we behave in relationships depends on how balanced it is. When it is out of balance we can be over sensitive, insecure and impractical with money matters and feel the vulnerability of a child. We also can express ourselves with angry words or volatile behaviour, we will also find it hard to finish things or concentrate when this Chakra is out of balance. The physical effects when this Chakra is out of balance is lower back problems, lower digestive tract, adrenal glands and irritable bowel, also problems with joints, legs and hips. When balanced, we can deal with any situation in a calm and rational manner and have a balanced approach to life. The best way to balance this Chakra out is to do a physical 'releasing' such as writing down all our past hurts etc on paper and then burning it. Meditating to get in touch with the inner child can also be very helpful. Carrying Agate crystal or black Tourmaline will help instantly 'ground' you - or any red crystal, especially Carnelian or Jasper work very well. Burning Myrrh or Thyme or a red candle and visualising the colour red filling up the base Chakra re-energizing the body can help.
The Angel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Sandalphon or the Earth Angels.

AFFIRMATION: "I love & respect myself. I move away from past conditioning."



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