
Understanding the symbols in the White & Saunders Tarot

You will notice in the White & Saunders tarot there are several signs and symbols from various cultures and belief systems in the background of the pictures. These are explained in the notes, or you can buy any good symbol book that would tell you what they mean.

Triangles In The Minor Arcarna (Pagan Elements Symbol)

In the minor cards one to ten, you will see in each suit a triangle placed somewhere in the picture, these are the pagan symbols for the elements associated with the suit: Sometimes when you are doing a reading you will not notice the triangles, that is fine, it would mean they are not relevant to that spread, but when they do stand out to you - Where ever the triangle is placed in the picture would show how the questioner is feeling towards the subject they have enquired about.


A red upright triangle that links to the fire element, that represents the questioners enthusiasm and passion towards what they are doing, if it is behind them in the picture, it would indicate they did have a positive approach in the past but now may be feeling ‘burnt out’. If it is in front of them it would show they are feeling ‘fired up’ about the subject they are enquiring about. If the card is reversed, it would show the questioner is feeling drained and could have lost their enthusiasm for what they are enquiring about.


A blue downward triangle that links to the water element, that represents the questioners emotional approach to the subject enquired about. If the triangle is close to them it would show they are ‘in touch’ with their emotions and will be feeling them strongly. If it is in the background it would indicate they are feeling detached or confused about the situation they have enquired about and it wouldn’t be the right time to make emotional decisions. If the card is reversed, it would show the questioner is emotionally upset about the situation enquired about and this could be affecting their judgement.


A blue upright triangle with a horizontal line near the top that links to the air element which represents the questioners intellect and how they are thinking about things, if it is in the background it would show they are not thinking about things clearly, if it is placed somewhere on the body it could show they are thinking too much and it could be affecting them physically: If the card is reversed, it would show the questioner is over analysing a situation and need to trust their ‘higher self’ and listen to their ‘gut instinct’ about the situation.


A brown downwards triangle with a horizontal line near the bottom that links to the earth element, which links to the material, financial and practical side of the questioners life, if it is in the ground it would indicate they are planting ‘seeds’ that will bring them long term security. If the triangle is placed in the sky, it would indicate that they may be making plans for long term security, but will not have much spare money at the moment, if it is on the wall of a building, it would indicate they have spent too much money on material things and they need to reassess their finances. If the card is reversed, it would show the questioner is feeling drained and could have lost their enthusiasm for what they are enquiring about.

Symbols In The Minor Court Cards (pages, knights, queens, kings).

As well as representing what is influencing the questioner at this time in their life, the background symbolism in the court cards also relates to past life influences that could be affecting the questioner at this time. If you are drawn to a particular image on the card it may be trying to guide you to help the questioner work through some kind of karmic block, especially if the card is reversed.

For example if the questioner is represented by a court card with water in the background it would indicate their emotional life is more important to them at the time of the reading, coins or buildings would relate to money and material issues, trees link to family and flowers represent spiritual growth.

However if you were drawn to a background symbol two or three times during a spread, for example in the king of wands we can see a stone circle in the background, it links him to ancient shamanic beliefs bought back from a past life and could indicate the questioner would benefit from visiting ancient sites to connect with his higher self.

In the knights we can see symbols that link to past life influences, the knight of wands has a knights cross, the knight of cups has a native American medicine wheel healing symbol, the knight of swords has a Viking protection symbol and the knight of coins horse is dressed as though he was a land owner in a past life.

All the court cards, apart from the pages also have the star sign they link to in the picture, it does not mean the questioner (or the person they are enquiring about) definitely IS that star sign, just that they would show those characteristics at the time of the reading.

The other symbols seen in the court cards tell us how the questioner is being affected by the situation they are going through: again if you do not notice the symbols whilst doing the reading, it is not relevant to the questioner at the moment, but if you keep noticing the symbols, say for example the butterflies you would know the questioner is going through a change at the time they have the reading.


The salamander in the wands represents a rebirth and usually links to the questioner going through a spiritual transformation. The questioner would benefit from having cellular healing to break any inherited patterns.


The dolphin seen in the cups court cards links to their spiritual wisdom, healing abilities and loyalty. They also indicate they will be following the correct soul path.


The butterflies in the swords court cards indicate the questioner is going through a transformation in the way they think, which will lead to positive changes.


The berries in the pentacle cards link to material growth in the questioners life, where the berries are in relation to the person in the card show if the questioner is aware of this growth or not, in the queen and king of coins, the berries are at the front of the picture, indicating the questioner will be seeing the ‘fruits of their labour’.

tarot cards


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