
The Crown Chakra; Verb "I know"

The colour associated with this Chakra is VIOLET or WHITE (white is the source of pure light and all the other colours combined). It is often know as the Chakra of eternity. It is situated at the top of your head. The element of this Chakra is Thought.
There is no animal associated with this Chakra. The symbol is a Lotus flower.
When this Chakra is out of balance we are unable to think clearly and listen to our higher self. We are totally narrow minded and opinionated, our creativity is stifled and we are very pessimistic. We also have an inability to cope with everyday problems and feel victimized. The physical effects of this being out of balance can be headaches, sinus problems, sleep problems and in extreme cases depression leading to a nervous breakdown, also problems with the skin and general well-being. When balanced we are in tune with our higher self and in harmony with the material and spiritual world, we have an optimistic approach to life and can give good unbiased advice. The best way to balance this Chakra is to imagine a ray of light connecting with this Chakra from the Cosmos. Keeping the other Chakras balanced will help keep the Crown Chakra balanced but the Crown Chakra on its own is very hard to balance out and will often be out of balance if one of the other Chakras is out. Burning a violet or white candle can help. The crystal associated is Amethyst or Clear or Smokey Quartz.
The Angel associated with this Chakra is Archangel Zadkiel.

AFFIRMATION"I am responsible for my choices, all my decisions are right for me. I release all attachments and work through challenges with ease".



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