
The Third Eye Chakra; Verb "I see"

The third eye is often called the Brow Chakra. The colour is INDIGO/AMETHYST. It is situated in the centre of the forehead. The element of this Chakra is Light. Sense is intuition.
The animal connected to this Chakra is a Cobra. Symbol is a pyramid. It is often called the freedom Chakra.
When this Chakra is out of balance we are unable to concentrate, have blocked intuition and are unable to be rational and see things from other peoples points of view. The physical effects of this being out of balance are headaches, eyesight problems, sinus problems and the pituitary gland can be affected. Often we can have insomnia or nightmares. When balanced we can be in tune with our intuition (psychic) and become aware of other peoples feelings, it also helps us to "go with the flow". It is essential for the gift of clairvoyance for this Chakra to be balanced. The best way to balance this Chakra is to place an Amethyst on your forehead. Burning Jasmine or Pine oil/incense can help. Or burning a purple candle can help. The crystal is Amethyst and Lapis Lazuli
The Angels associated with this Chakra is Archangel Gabriel and Jophiel.

AFFIRMATION "My intuition guides me; with my truth I learn all truth"



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